Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture
Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture (FRA) is a natural alternative to potentially reverse years of aging and regaining your youthful glow.
FRA employs the use of tiny hair thin needles in specific points in the face, scalp, neck, and jaw, along with regular body and ear acupuncture points. While most of the acupuncture points on the face and scalp will remain consistent, the body points are chosen based on your current state of health, assuring the treatment will not only be good for your face, but good for YOU too.
A series of 12-15 FRA treatments over approximately 10-12 weeks is recommended to achieve desired results.
Improves facial muscle tone and collagen production
Eliminates or reduces bags and drooping eyelids
Reduces dark circles and brightens the eyes
Helps to eliminate puffiness and reduce sagging skin
Helps to lift jowls and reduce or eliminate double chins
Diminishes fine lines and wrinkles
Balances oily or dry skin and tightens the pores
And so much more!
Your health is our number one priority. There are certain conditions in which the FRA series is NOT recommended. Here are a few:
-Tendency to bruise easily or taking blood thinners; bleeding disorders
-Migraines -Diabetes Mellitus
-Pregnancy -Common cold/Flu
Are there any side effects?
BRUISING MAY OCCUR. While we do our best to avoid this, it is entirely possible and likely to occur at some point during the series. Other than that, not really!